What is the skin effect?
Answer: Kshin effect: AC current flows through a conductor
The surface for religion that does not enter inside the conductor while being
Trying to flow through it is called the skin effect.
What are the effects of skin effect on transmission lines?
Answer: The effects of skin effect are:
There is power loss in the line.
The skin effect also increases as the diameter of the line increases.
Skin on size of conductor in transmission line
Depends on the effect. Depends on the conductor material.
What is puncture voltage?
Answer: The voltage at which the insulation of the insulator is completely broken
It is called puncture voltage.
What is flash-over voltage?
Answer: If the voltage is increased, then the dielectric strength of air
dissipates and causes severe electrical flashes. This voltage
Flash-over voltage is called.
Skin effect depends on what factors.
Answer: Generally skin effect depends on On quality of Conductor material:
Skin effect is more in case of those substances which have high conductivity
becomes. On the diameter of the conductor:
Skin effect also increases with the increase in diameter.
On Frequency:
As the frequency increases, the skin effect also increases.
On temperature:
Solid conductor stranded conductor 4 Skin
effet is reduced.
Note: Diameter of conductor if supply frequency is less than 50Hz
Skin effect is not considered when small
What is the proximity effect?
Ans: When current flows through a conductor next to another
There are conductors that carry current. Then the flux of the former
Current conduction is related to the conductor. This is the result of Flux
See more in the near half than the far half of both conductors
This results in unequal current across the entire cross section of the conductor
Distribution starts and resistance increases like skin effect
This phenomenon is called proximity effect.
Types of structure or shape of conductor
In what ways can the proximity effect be reduced?
Increases the spacing of the conductor. the answer
Using Stranded Conductor.
Keeping the frequency range low.
1. Conductor
2. Support
3. Cross arm
4. Insulators.
5. Guy and stay
6. Lighting Arrestor
7. Fuse and isolating switching
8. Guard wire
9. Bird Guard
10. Danger plate
11. Anti-climbing wire etc.
What are the properties of conductor material? Answer: The qualities are: 1) High electrical conductivity. 2) High tensile strength. 3) Price is low. 4) Less relative importance. 5) Shall not be brittle.2. Support
3. Cross arm
4. Insulators.
5. Guy and stay
6. Lighting Arrestor
7. Fuse and isolating switching
8. Guard wire
9. Bird Guard
10. Danger plate
11. Anti-climbing wire etc.
What are the conductors used in over head lines?
Answer: Conductors are:
1. Copper conductor.
2. Aluminum Conductor.
3. Steel cored aluminum.
4. Galvanized steel.
5. Cadmium copper.
What are the characteristics of copper conductor?
Answer: The characteristics of copper conductor are:
1. High electrical conductivity.
2. High tensile strength.
3. Relative importance is high.
4. The price is high.
5. Its lifespan is very long.
What are the characteristics of aluminum conductors?
Answer: The properties of aluminum conductors are:
Low tensile strength.
Low specific gravity.
The price is low.
Aluminum weighs more than copper wire of the same volume percent.