What is transistor called? How many types and what are they?There are two types of transistors.Types of Method of Transistor Biasing

What is transistor called? How many types and what are they?
Answer: A block is opposite to N or P type semiconductor As a result of sandwiching between two semiconductors (ie two Ptype One of these is N-type or one of two N-types is P-type). The new device that is available is called Transistor.

There are two types of transistors. Namely:
(i) Bipolar junction transistor.
(ii) Unipolar junction transistor.

There are two types of B.J.T. Namely:
a) PNP Transistor. (b) NPN Transistor.
2. Define: Emitter, Base, collector.
Ans: Emitter : This part is much higher than other parts
Amount doping is done. Its main function is majority
Supply to charge carrier base.

Base: It is located between and compared to other parts
Very thin and very lightly doped.

Collector: Its main function is majority charge
This collector part is larger than the emitter part by passing the carrier is of size.

What is Transistor Biasing? Its types? Transistor
Why is Biasing done? Answer: Transistor biasing: Transistor properly
For proper zero signal collector current and
The process of maintaining proper collector emitter voltage
Transistor basing is called.
Process of biasing: (ii) Collector base junction is always kept in reverse bias.
Types of Method of Transistor Biasing:
Transistor biasing is of three types 1. Fixed bias method. 2 Biasing with feedback resistor method.3. Voltage divider method. Three reasons for transistors for faithful amplification
Biasing is done. Namely:
 Proper zero signal collector to flow current. 2) Minimum base-emitter voltage supply
for VBE ≤0.7V for silicon,VBE for germanium is 20.3V Suitable for determining Q-point.
Here are four diodes (D1, D2, D3, D4) in bridge for Connection has been made. O/P is taken across RL.
Operation: +ve half cycle in secondary winding When A edge receives +ve and B receives –ve, D2 and D4 receive forward bias is and current flows through RL. In this case D and D3
is in reverse bias. (-ve) A end during half cycle (-ve) And B terminal (+ve) causes current to flow through D1, D3 which is Ru Current flows through it in the same direction ie polarity O/P is available accordingly. Half wave Rectifier Full wave Rectifier
Write its advantages.
Answer : Full wave Rectifier compared to Halt wave Rectifier
Its advantages: SI Input signal Available in sizes cycle output DC Ave. 2. High O/P voltage and high transformer skills Ripples frequency Half wave rectifier does not require expensive filters.

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