What is Rectifier? How many types and what are they?
Answer: Rectifier: The device through which alternating current It is converted or changed to direct current Rectifier says. Rectifiers are generally of two types. Namely: (i) Vacuum tube rectifier (ii)
Semiconductor Rectifier.
There are two types of rectifier depending on the direction of wave flow. Namely:(i) Half wave rectifier
(ii) Full wave rectifier.
Full wave rectifier is again of two types. Namely:
(a) Center tapped full wave
(b) Full wave bridge rectifier.
What is half wave rectifier? Write its mechanism of action.
Answer: Half wave Rectifier: AC through that rectifier The wave is converted into a unidirectional wave in half cycle called half wave called rectifier. Functions: Half wave rectifier input supply positive or Current conducts in the negative half cycle. Diode According to the connection, conduction will only occur during the half cycle Only then the voltage across the load will be available.
Answer: PIV: This is the maximum reverse voltage at which the diode does not break down
can work as If the reverse voltage becomes greater than PIV
If it goes, then the diode is destroyed due to excess heat. Rectifier
Reverse voltage is a very important factor for Ckt
A.C to D.C in crystal diode or P-N junction rectifier
Used to transform. If necessary precautions are not taken and if the excess voltage of PIV across the diode If applied then the diode is destroyed.
What do you mean by Zener diode?
Answer: Zener diode: Zener diode is a type of P-N
junction diode reverse voltage current conduction
By doing this, the output voltage remains constant i.e. proper doping
Sharp breakdown voltage in the crystal diode made by the method
That crystal diode is called Zener diode. In crystal diodes
If the reverse bias is increased, the reverse current suddenly becomes very high
goes and the voltage at which the reverse current suddenly increases very much
That voltage is called break down voltage.
(ii) As protective device in electronic meter. a Zener diode
(iii) Square wave is used.
Define: Break down voltage or Zener voltage.
Ans : Break down voltage : To increase crystal diode reverse bias
If there is, at one point the reverse current increases very rapidly and that reverses
The reverse current in the voltage suddenly increases too much to break the voltage
down Voltage or zener voltage is called.
PN-junction diode V-I characteristics Describe the curve.
Answer: When forward bias is applied to the diode and applied
Evoltage is slowly increased from zero through the device
Current flow starts until external voltage internal
opposes the voltage. Its value is 0.7V for Si and Ge
10.3V. If the external voltage is increased from the junction voltage
Current increases very quickly.Applying reverse bias to PN junction is actually effective
No current flow occurs. This is the reverse voltage at the PN junction
If its value is further increased to such a voltage level in the P and N regions
A lot of electron holes are created so that there are a lot of them at the junction
Reverse current begins to flow. At the time of Semiconductor
co-valent bond is broken. At that voltage the reverse current
When the flow starts it is called break down voltage.
Write the difference between normal diode and zener diode.
Answer: The difference between normal diode and zener diode is as follows:A common diode Zener Diode
1. Rectifier voltage 1. According to Zener voltage it
Doping it accordingly Doping is done. That is adulteration
is That is, the mixing ratio of the adulterated diode is the normal diode
The quantity is higher than Zener diode. wait less It has no fixed brake No down voltage. Always forward it are connected in bias.It is reverse biased Like a zener diode Clipper doesn't work though
is in series with the load is connected. symbol Here is a detailed break down of is There is voltage. Whom to know voltage is called It is always reverse biased is connected. If it is forward biased Works like a normal diode.At certain amount of reverse voltage Conduction occurs in it. Parallel connection with load.