What is called electronics? What are the types of electronics components? bionsl Answer: The branch of engineering which deals with the flow of current through vacuum tubes, gas tubes, semiconductors etc. is called electronics. Electronics components are of two types. Namely : 1) Active component (transistor, FET) 2) Passive component (Resistor, capacitor, inductor)
What is Semiconductor called? Write its religion. Answer : Definition of Semi-conductor : A Semiconductor is a substance which has (10+ to 0.552m) in between conductors and e.g germanium. silicon, carbon etc. That is, all materials that have four in the outer most orbit are called Semi conductors. At zero degrees Kelvin they act like insulators but when the temperature is increased current flows through them.
What do you mean by valence electron, free electron and covalent bonds? Answer: Valence electron: The electron in the outer most orbit of a material are known as Valence electron. The outer most orbit can hold a maximum of eight electrons. These valence electrons reveal physical and chemical properties, electrical properties of matter. Apart from this, the number of electrons can tell whether the substance is a chemically active metal, non-metal, air or solid.
Compare indoor and outdoor substations. Indoor substation Outdoor substation In this type of substation a) In this type of substation Appliances are indoors and appliances are outdoors. remains ) this type of sub-station b) Takes up more space. Installation takes less space. c) In this type of sub station c) In this type of sub station | The fault is more because of the place There is less fault because of more space less is d) Fault detection and repair d) Fault detection and repair is difficult. easy to do E) In this type of substation e) Dust Sand or Moisture Dust - Effect of sand or moisture The impact is greater. read less f) Its extension and repair f) Its repair and expansion is difficult simple - g) Used at low voltage g) Used at high voltage.
w 36 Co-valent bond: When the electrons of the atoms of a substance are bound by a pair of bonds, it is called a co-valent bond. In this process two atoms share two electrons. Because every atom wants to have eighty electrons in its outer most orbit. Semiconductors used in electronics technology germanium and silicon form bonds by sharing electrons. ইহাদের Outer most orbit It has four electrons, so each atom is bonded to one electron of another atom with four electrons. Covalent bond depends on temperature When the temperature is zero, the co-valent bond is very strong and in this condition no material can conduct current i.e. acts like an insulator. Again when the temperature increases the co-valent bond breaks and current flows and the material acts as a conductor.
What do you mean by doping? Write its requirements? Answer: Doping: The method in which impurity is added to the intrinsic semi conductor is called Doping. Requirements: Semiconductors are used in electronics devices. Different devices may require different types of current. Therefore, doping is required to increase the current carrying capacity of these various devices. Because the current flow of any device can be reduced and increased with the help of doping. Low doping will result in low current flow. And if the doping is more, the current flow will be more. That is why the importance of doping in electronics technology is immense.