What do you mean by doping? Write its requirements?What are the types of electronics components and what are they? What is called electronics?

 What is called electronics? What are the types of electronics components and what are they? What do you mean by doping? Write its requirements?

What is called electronics? What are the types of electronics components and what are they? Answer: The branch of engineering which deals with the flow of current through vacuum tubes, gas tubes, semiconductors etc. is called electronics.

Semi-conductor is called? Answer : Definition of Semi-conductor : A Semiconductor is a substance which has (10+ to 0.552m) in between conductors and e.g germanium. silicon, carbon etc. That is, all materials that have four electrons in the outer most orbit are called Semi conductors. 

Religion or characteristics of Semi conductor: resistivity insulators (i) Semi-conductor resistivity conductor 3 middle of Insulator. (ii) Semi-conductor negative temperature co-efficient. of resistance is there. (iii) Semiconductor with suitable material in which current flows through the missile. (iv) At 0°k it behaves like an insulator. (v) There is a small energy gap between valance band and conduction band. (vi) At low temperature its Resistivity is 10+ to 0.5 ohm meter.

Co-valent bond: When the electrons of the atoms of a substance are bound by a series of bonds, then it is called co-valent bond. Because every atom wants to have 80 electrons in its outer most orbit Semiconductor germanium and silicon used in electronics technology form bonds by sharing electrons.It has four electrons in its outer most orbit, so each atom has a bond with one electron of another atom with four electrons. Covalent bond depends on temperature When the temperature is zero, the co-valent bond is very strong and in this condition no material can conduct current i.e. acts like an insulator. Again when the temperature increases the co-valent bond breaks and current flows and the material acts as a conductor.

What do you mean by doping? Write its requirements? Answer: Doping: The method in which Intrinsic semi conductor impurity is mixed is called Doping.Elementary Semiconductor like Si Ge etc. 21 Compound Semiconductor like SiC (Silicon Carbide), SiGe (Silicon (Germanium), GaAs (Gallium Arsenide) etc

There are two types of semiconductors. Namely: P-type Semi-conductor 2. N-type semiconductor. N-type semiconductor: The material made by mixing pentavalent atoms as impurities with pure semiconductor is called N-type semiconductor.

P-type Semiconductor: The material made by mixing trivalent atoms as impurities with pure semiconductor is called P-type semiconductor.

What do you mean by Intrinsic & Extrinsic Semi conductor? Answer : Intrinsic semi conductor: A semi conductor in an extremely pure form is known as an intrinsic semiconductor. When an electric field is applied on a pure semiconductor, it carries two currents, one is the hole current and the other is the electron current. It is less used in electronic devices because a certain amount of current is available from this type of semiconductor. But electronic devices require different quality current at different places. Extrinsic semiconductor: Al, As, In, Ga etc. are mixed as impurities with intrinsic semi-conductor. This semiconductor is widely used in electronics devices. Because the required amount of current is obtained by mixing impurities in it.

Majority charge carrier What does minority charge charge carrier mean? Answer: Majority carrier: If extrinsic semiconductor is made with the help of doping in intrinsic semiconductor, the one that has more charge between free selectron and hole is called majority charge i.e. extrinsic carrier. The majority of charge in the semiconductor is called Majority charge carrier.
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